Friday, 28 November 2014

WATCH: Dog Tries To Save Dying Friend Hit By Car

Photoscreen shot on youtube
This is the distressing moment a pubescent dog desperately tries to appeal his companion out of a road after it was hit by a car.

Displaying what appear to be human-as well as emotions, the devastated hound is filmed pawing and nudging his buddy.

It was snapped by taxi driver Serrano Madera, 42, into the future he was driving through Mexico City.

"The driver didn't decline, he just carried upon, but I did mass less because the first dog ran pro in stomach of me and started nudging the dead one in the street.

"I didn't purpose off straight-away because I was not certain if the dog was going to manage to the lead of me over, and later was fascinated by the dog frustrating to wake happening it's valuably dead companion."

The video footage shot upon Madera's mobile phone shows the flesh and blood animal nudging the dead dog, and moreover using its front legs to attempt and tug it out of the quirk of the traffic and safely upon side of the road.

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